"This year has proven to be one of many revelations, a cementing of truths, the revising of ideas, and reconceptualizing of concepts. It’s been heady, busy, and filled with teachable moments, learning experiences, and awesome, positive light."
Read MoreMusic, Musings, & Me
Are you a musician that should be practicing? Are you in between practice sessions or rehearsals and just need to unwind and let your mind wander? Or do you just need a swift kick in the pants to inspire you? Well, sometimes you need to stop procrastinating, stop dodging and just face the music, literally.
The Sum of Its Parts : Dr. Frank Kowalsky
"He showed me time and time again that he understood the role one’s humanity plays in living, communicative art and that in living, suffering, laughing, crying, growing one can connect to a greater consciousness and transcend the physical. He showed me that all of this happens not on the note, but between the notes."
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