What's the buzz!? Stay up-to-date with the "goins´on" and find encouragement in the journey that lies ahead.
RTE National Symphony Orchestra Mentor Scheme 2016
July 2024
Headliner at the International Clarinet Association’s ClarinetFest in Dublin, Ireland
June 2024
Became an Academist at the Oregon Bach Festival - Berwick Academy for Historically Informed Performance
Premiere David Coonan’s Sonnets of Dark Love at the National Concert Hall in Dublin, Ireland as part of the ‘Dark Love’ concert in my five-part series, From Antiquity to Modernity.
May 2024
Performs the first movement of Johann Stamitz Clarinet Concerto in B-flat with RTÉ Concert Orchestra live on RTÉ lyric fm for their 25th Anniversary Gala
Launches chamber music series,’ From Antiquity to Modernity,’ at the National Concert Hall
March 2024
Dathanna Duo featured on RTÉ lyric fm show “Aedín in the Afternoon” hosted by Aedín Gormley
February 2024
Debut duo album, Dathanna: Hues and Shades, released on Orchid Classics label
January 2024
Served as panelist for the Sphinx Organization SphinxConnect:Amplify panel “Excellence as the Outcome of Diversity” underwritten by the Boston Symphony Orchestra
October 2023
Launch of Lecture Series
September 2023
Reviewed Ain't but a Few of Us: Black Music Writers tell their Story in Clarinet & Saxophone Magazine
March 2023
Presented “Challenging Power Structures in Music” as part of the CMC: Sparky Conversations series
November 2022
Joins Crash Ensemble’s Board of Directors
October 2022
Joins RTÉ lyric fm as the voice of Black History Month
Awarded the Arts Council of Ireland’s Music Bursary
Hosts BBC Radio 3 - The American Clarinet, a three-part docuseries
September 2022
Lucerne Festival debut with Chineke! Orchestra
August 2022
Joins BBC Radio 4’s “How to Play” to offer my thoughts on Mozart’s Clarinet Conceto featuring Jörg Widmann and the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra
July 2022
Joins the faculty of Los Angeles Philharmonic’s YOLA National Festival
May 2022
Joins Chamber Music Scotland’s Board of Trustees
April 2022
Presenter on BBC Radio 4 & BBC Sounds, Inside Music
January 2022
Performs as part of the Hugh Lane Gallery Sundays@Noon Winter Series 2
October 2021
Joins the International Clarinet Association’s Social Media Committee
August 2021
Cornstown House Farm debut concert series with harpist, Fiona Gryson
June 2021
Speaker on European Association of Conservatoires - Strengthening Music in Society (AEC-SMS) Podcast
April 2021
Heard on RTE Lyric FM’s “The Full Score” with Liz Nolan
Panelist on Compear Global Education Network’s panel Black Male Reflections on Identity, Self-Empowerment & Scholarship in Global Education
March 2021
Featured reviewer on BBC Radio 3 'Record Review’ w/ Hannah French
Gives virtual masterclass to the clarinet studio of Assistant Professor of Clarinet, Dr. David Cook at Millikin University
November 2020
Awarded the Arts Council of Ireland’s Music Bursary
October 2020
Gives TEDx talk entitled What Words Allow: Discovering Self after Trauma at TEDx Dun Laoghaire “Exploring Wisdom”
September 2020
Cover story for the International Clarinet Association’s quarterly publication, The Clarinet
Gives virtual masterclass to the clarinet studio of Professor of Music, Clarinet Dr. Jesse Krebs at Truman State University
July 2020
Featured guest on Musici Chats podcast and vlog (formerly known as Tea for Two) with Beth McNinch
May 2020
Featured on Classically Black Podcast’s “Black Excellence” segment.
Featured on Co-Orch Dublin “Goes Viral” Masterclass Series
January 2020
Becomes a Devon & Burgani artist playing on the Fluency series
November 2019
Goes on Chineke’s first European Tour: London, Bruges, Amsterdam, Cologne, Antwerp, and Aachen
October 2019
Premieres The Ark’s show The Haircut! by Wayne Jordan & Tom Lane
August 2019
Joins Arcola Theatre’s run of Scott Joplin’s Treemonisha
October 2018
Makes Decus Ensemble debut at Southwark Cathedral London, UK
August 2018
Joins Boyne Music Festival with duo partner and harpist, Fiona Gryson
June 2018
Joins the PRIZM Music Camp and International Chamber Music Festival as faculty and performer
April 2018
Chineke! Orchestra reopens Southbank Centre's Queen Elizabeth Hall
September 2017
Gent Festival Van Vlaanderen debut with Chineke! Orchestra
August 2017
BBC Proms debut with Chineke! Orchestra
Snape Maltings Proms debut with Chineke! Orchestra
April 2017
Solo debut at University of Limerick Concert Hall in Limerick, Ireland
July 2016
Mondrian Trio takes part in the Boyne Music Festival 2016 Young Artist Programme
May 2016
Performs Mozart Clarinet Concerto with Dublin Symphony Orchestra at Christ Church Cathedral Dublin, Ireland
February 2016
Joins the RTE National Symphony Orchestra Mentoring Scheme
Masterclass performance at the National Concert Hall in Dublin, Ireland with Gottfried von der Goltz, Director of the Freiburg Baroque Orchestra
Featured in Berlin's VAN Magazine
September 2015
Featured on BBC3 In Tune with Sean Rafferty with Chineke! Orchestra members
Joins the Chineke! Orchestra and makes Southbank Centre Queen Elizabeth Hall concert debut
June 2015
Won the Great Music in Irish Houses Residency Programme
May 2015
Chamber Music coaching with mezzo, Ann Murray, DBE, on Schubert's Der Hirt auf dem Felsen (Shepherd on the Rock)
April 2015
Masterclass and chamber music coaching with pianist Fali Pavri, Professor of Keyboard & Collaborative Piano at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland
March 2015
National Concert Hall of Ireland solo debut
February 2015
The Vogler Quartett coaches me and my chamber ensembles in Milhaud's Suite for violin, clarinet, & piano; Libby Larsen's Slang; and Beethoven's Trio for clarinet, cello, & piano.
December 2014
During the month of December I along with the other members of the following chamber works: Libby Larsen's Slang, Ned Rorem's Ariel, John Mackey's Breakdown Tango, and Richard Bullen's Garden of Forking Paths will receive coachings with Toronto-based cellist, conductor, and Co-Artistic Director of Queen of Puddings Music Theatre, Dairine Ni Mheadhra
The ensemble in which I'm playing Milhaud's Trio will be participating in a series of masterclasses hosted by the European Chamber Music Teachers' Association at their autumn gathering in Dublin, Ireland.
I am so honored and humbled to announce that Composer and Assistant Professor of Classical Languages at Wake Forest University, T. H. M Gellar-Goad has composed and dedicates his latest work, Forest Primeval, to me. Scored for B-flat clarinet, cello, harp/synthesizer, and drum kit, this work sets the text Evangeline by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
August 2014
My first article for, Studying Abroad as a Minority, is published. Visit my author page here
May 2014
I'm pleased to announce that I have been accepted into the Royal Irish Academy of Music in Dublin, Ireland where I will be persuing a Recital Artist Diploma and will be serving as a 1848 Scholar & Teaching Fellow